The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is the touchstone by which we guide and execute our efforts to educate children. The LCAP is also a critical part of the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). It identifies goals that focus on District practices and resources to ensure students are actively engaged in school, meet grade-level standards, and are college and career ready upon graduation. The LCAP shows the alignment of SAUESD curriculum, instruction, assessment, and interventions with the eight state priorities. The areas are:
Basic Services
Implementation of California’s Academic Standards
Parent Involvement
Student Achievement
Student Engagement
School Climate
Course Access
Other Student Outcomes
To develop the LCAP, school districts must engage parents, educators, employees, and the community. SAUESD is focused on improving communication and involvement of all stakeholders, through stakeholder information meetings, online communication, the school and district websites, and stakeholder advisory groups. In developing the 2021-24, the district conducted student, staff, and parent surveys, and worked closely with the School Site Council (SCC) & District English Language Advisory Committee (DELAC).