
Dear Parents, Students, & Community Members,

Welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!  I am excited to begin my tenth year here at San Ardo Elementary!  We have many exciting things planned for the year -such as our carnivals, holiday celebrations, and sports activities.  We are focused on implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS), a new math and English Language Arts curriculum (iReady), student leadership, and the social-emotional well-being of all of our students. 

We completed our modernization projects two years ago.  All of the students' restrooms have been fully remodeled, the kitchen and auditorium have been modernized, most of our classrooms now have new modern finishes and have been upgraded, we added a parking lot, installed permanent accessibility ramps, and the tennis court was resurfaced to use as a sports court.  We are currently working on having the asphalt repaved, a shade structure installed, and the roofing replaced.

We used additional stimulus funding this year to have Mrs. Nicole Borba as a school social worker and counselor.  We also continued with our part-time physical education teacher, Mrs. Agius, to teach students the physical education standards.  We will continue with our Project Lead the Way (PLTW) and the hands-on lab activities!  We will continue with the additional certificated teacher working with small groups providing literacy intervention.  

I am always open to other suggestions or ideas from our parents and community partners to bring programs and services for our students.  Please feel free to call me at 831-627-2520 Ext. 112 or email at  I look forward to working with you all for the benefit of children this year!  

Catherine N. Reimer, Ed.D.